Submission Documents
Modern Content Management

Managing submission documents on the CARA Life Sciences Platform™ is based on the DIA Reference Model, including all document artifacts and metadata, with some adjustments based on industry best practices.
Create a Global Dossier and then regional derived dossiers, with re-use of content to ensure maximum efficiency of process.
Trusted to lead
The majority of the largest global life sciences organisations use the CARA Life Sciences Platform for submission content management. In fact, CARA has been providing the most powerful CMS since 2001. Recently, submissions for the world’s most common COVID-19 vaccines were authored in CARA.

Maximise the User Experience
A modern interface makes the CARA Life Sciences Platform easy to use and personalised to the user’s work.
Access and Manage Content in one Place
A single content management platform simplifies workflows and collaboration.
Meet Corporate and Regulatory Standards
Built for industry best practice, but flexible enough to suit your business needs.
Total Lifecycle
From creation to access, search, review, approval, publication and archival.
Automate Manual Processes
Powerful and flexible workflows bring digitise business process across the organisation.
Find Everything Instantly
With filters, folders, reports, dashboards, and a ‘google-fast’ search engine, users can find their work instantly.
Securely Share Content with Partners
Better security models and time-limited, secure access means you can work seamlessly with affiliates and other partners.
Document classification and metadata based on the DIA Reference Model
Creation of content based on templates
Collaborative authoring – multiple users simultaneously
Review and approval of content including eSignature
Create submission structure in CARA and assign content
Drag and drop CARA structures or individual documents to publishing tools
Build submission structures automatically from submission planning tools in CARA
Archive submissions from publishing tools to CARA, including automatic traceability to the source components used for publishing
View submissions from CARA using partner tools such as Dossplorer
Manage Master Data in CARA IDMP module, or pull in from external tools to use on document metadata