
Health Authority Correspondence

Process communication faster and more consistently with automations to ingest and manage correspondence. Automations make every step more efficient, with translations and workflows bringing order to your processes.

Receipt of correspondence

CARA can ingest incoming correspondence items in multiple ways:

  • Physical document (scan and OCR)
  • Fax to digital
  • Email attachments or email bodies

CARA can then read the correspondence and using either template-based recognition rules, extract the questions and:

  • Create separeate records per question
  • Relate the correspondence to the original submission
  • Route the questions to users responsible for the subject (e.g. stability)
  • Translate the question into multiple languages using a range of approved translation services

Managing responses

With automatic translation on ingestion, users can search in their language for similar questions and answers from other authorities worldwide, and assemble responses.

Responses can be generated automatically from the data, and be submitted as part of our RIM submission and registration capabilities.

Receipt of correspondence

Managing responses

CARA can ingest incoming correspondence items in multiple ways:

  • Physical document (scan and OCR)
  • Fax to digital
  • Email attachments or email bodies

CARA can then read the correspondence and using either template-based recognition rules, extract the questions and:

  • Create separeate records per question
  • Relate the correspondence to the original submission
  • Route the questions to users responsible for the subject (e.g. stability)
  • Translate the question into multiple languages using a range of approved translation services

With automatic translation on ingestion, users can search in their language for similar questions and answers from other authorities worldwide, and assemble responses.

Responses can be generated automatically from the data, and be submitted as part of our RIM submission and registration capabilities.
