Quality Innovations

Innovation and delivery at the speed of CARA

We’re constantly improving our solutions and delivering new innovations to industry faster than any other vendor thanks to the flexibility of the CARA platform. Think months, not years.

“The responsiveness of Generis to suggestions for enhancements and the remarkable turn-around time in which we were given the updates tipped the scales.” ​


“Your response time and delivery has been phenomenal (not just good).”​
Bayer logo
MFS logo (1)
“The responsiveness of Generis to suggestions for enhancements and the remarkable turn-around time in which we were given the updates tipped the scales.” ​


Bayer logo
“Your response time and delivery has been phenomenal (not just good).”​
MFS logo (1)


The Annual Product Quality Review is a good example of a document required in the Life Science industry which by itself is not that long or complex but requires data and content to come from multiple sources and systems to write it – leading to long manual processes to author it and ensure the information is up to date.

The CARA Life Science platform not only allows you do hold the source data in the system, but to connect to external systems to programmatically retrieve it – and use this data to automate the creation of the content, with graphs and tables dynamically generated into the content from templates.

This has led to a reduction in the time it takes our customers to assemble the document content from weeks down to hours – leading to lower costs and more certainty that the data is up-to-the-minute correct.

Supplier Quality Management

Covering the entire lifecycle from supplier selection, auditing, verification, Service Level Agreement and collaborative quality improvements, this CARA capability gives you the ability to be able to manage and report on Supplier Quality internally and to regulatory authorities

Preventative Quality

All the tools in the CARA quality module provide ways to log, track and resolve quality items, and report on them over time (analytics).  The natural next step with all that data is to use it to spot and predict trends (e.g. equipment failing at 6 month intervals leading you to plan to replace it in a planned way every 5 months)

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